Request a Reservation

Request a Reservation 

Van Pricing Information
Vehicle type daily rate weekly rate monthly rate
12-passenger van $130 $650 $2600

Pricing is based on each calendar day or partial day. Rentals must be returned by 11:59pm to avoid additional charges. Prices subject to change. 

Request a Vehicle

To check availability or to request a vehicle, please use our online webform or submit a Rental Vehicle Request Form (below) to

Requests should be made a minimum of 5-days in advance. First time drivers requiring driver approval should be made a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Requests with less notice should be emailed directly to PTS for consideration, and may not always be approved.

Campus Location
Berkman Hall, Room 115
1899 E. 22nd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2017