EAD Card Errors

What happens if your EAD card has incorrect information on it?

  1. Wait to receive a job offer so you can show your EAD to your 皇冠足球90比分:. The correction process may require you to mail the incorrect EAD to USCIS. Ideally, you should wait to request the correction after your 皇冠足球90比分: has copied your EAD for hiring purposes.
  2. To correct the EAD, submit a request through the USCIS website to correct a typographic error.
  3. Please email intlcenter@csuohio.edu for all questions regarding STEM OPT.


Mailing Address
Center for International Services and Programs
2121 Euclid Ave BH 412
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Berkman Hall 412
1899 E 22nd St
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Phone: 216.687.3910
Fax: 216.687.3965