The CSU Staff Association


Who we are?

SA  (Staff Association) is a voluntary organization, sanctioned by the University, serving the non-bargaining management and administrative staff of the University.

Who can join?

If you are not currently represented by one of the University Labor Unions, then you may already be a member. The only qualification is that you cannot in any way be a member (dues paying or fair share) of a current labor union at Cleveland State University.

What does SA do?

SA keeps you informed and connected.

We try to bring about a sense of community to all of our members. We do this in the following ways:

  • SA holds informative meetings twice each term plus once in the summer.  The sessions may include presentations from a member of Senior Staff, Human Resources, the University Architect, or other areas of high current interest.
  • SA represents you and your interests.
  • SA members are appointed to sit on several committees and are invited to have face-to-face discussions with senior staff.
  • SA has an annual meeting with the Chief Financial Officer

SA has representation on the following University Advisory Committees:

  • Bookstore Advisory Committee
  • Dining Serices Advisory Committee
  • Distinguished Faculty/Staff Award Committee
  • Collaborative Grant Program
  • Environmental Safety and Healthcare
  • Parking Advisory Committee
  • Residence Life Advisory Committee
  • Faculty Senate