Early Assurance Undergraduate Pathway


CSU undergrad students must meet all the requirements in section A and recommend students meet at least 2 of the criterias in Section B when applying: 

SECTION A (must meet all of the following requirements)

  • enrolled sophomore or junior at CSU
  • Suggested overall GPA of 3.4 or greater *Note: overall GPA of 3.4 or greater is required to matriculate to NEOMED
  • Suggested BCPM GPA of 3.4 or greater *Note: overall BCPM GPA of 3.4 or greater is required to matriculate to NEOMED
  • Completed BIO 200/201, CHM 261/266 and CHM 262/267 with grade of C or better
  • **If applying for 1-year undergraduate track, canidates are required to earn a MCAT score of 498 or greater, before 1st round of interviews (February of the application cycle).

SECTION B (prefer at least two of the following requirements)

  • Resident of Ohio 
  • Pell Grant eligible 
  • Come from a disadvantaged background or whose school district tested in the lower 50th percentile on state standardized testing or was eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program for two or more years 
  • Come from an underserved background or from a low-income household
  • First to go to college in your family, veteran or graduate of the foster care system



Candidates must be on track to successfully complete a bachelor's degree program at Cleveland State University (the reserved seat is forfeited should you transfer) and complete all required pre-requisite courses with a grade of "C minus" or better to matriculate to NEOMED. These required pre-requisite courses include:

  • Two semesters of Organic Chemistry and Labs
  • Two semesters of Physics and Labs
  • Two semesters of Biology and Labs
  • One semester of Biochemistry

Candidates are also required to meet or exceed the following grade point average, BCPM (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math courses) grade point average, and minimum MCAT scores as follows for admission to NEOMED:


If no grade lower than B- in Organic Chemistry I or II or Labs

500 (+/- 2 CI = 498/502) 3.40
If any grade(s) of "D +" or lower in Organic Chemistry is earned Do not admit/denial Do not admit/denial
If any grade of  "F" in any required prerequisite is earned Do not admit/denial Do not admit/denial


  1. All grade point averages and BCPM grade point averages are calculated using AMCAS policies and practices. Essentially, in no case are grades forgiven or expunged if the course is re-taken and a higher grade is earned regardless of any undergraduate institution's academic forgiveness policies. AMCAS data is considered official for all GPA decisions.
  2. "CI" in the "Required MCAT Score" section refers to "Confidence Interval." NEOMED will recognize the AAMC Confidence Intervals in effect at the time of AMCAS Early Assurance Application for Admission. At present, the MCAT Confidence Interval is plus or minus two points. This means that while the minimum required admission score is a 500 for any single sitting of the MCAT, NEOMED will recognize that a score of 498 is sufficient to meet NEOMED's Early Assurance Admission standards. 
  3. All MCAT scores will consist of the best total score of all four sub-test scores summed from a single test date sitting. A candidate's AMCAS Early Assurance Application for Admission dataset will be the official source of MCAT data. NEOMED does not require EAP candidates to meet minimum MCAT sub-score thresholds.
  4. Grade point averages and BCPM grade point averages will be evaluated at the time of an Offer of Admission. Once a candidate meets the threshold at the time of admission, the GPA/BCPM GPA will not be re-reviewed unless there is a significant decline.
  5. Candidates that receive a grade in a course that results in a "Do Not Admit/Denial" condition are advised to proactively initiate a withdrawal from early assurance and pursue other alternative paths to medical school rather than delay enforcement of this condition when discovered in the AMCAS Early Assurance Admission process.

All offers of admission are contingent upon the successful completion of remaining prerequisite coursework. Academic performance that deviates significantly from that which secured admission may be revisited by the Admission Committee for consideration, including rescission of admission. Serious professionalism issues, such as convictions and/or academic misconduct may be revisited by the Admission Committee for consideration, including rescission of admission. Upon matriculation to NEOMED to begin the M.D. program of study, degree requirements are the same for all M.D. students. Candidates are solely responsible for understanding and adhering to all procedures and deadlines.

**Information regarding the NEOMED admission requirements presented here is for convenience of prospective students. Definitive information can be found on NEOMED's website or by clicking here**


Mailing Address
Pathways to Practice
2121 Euclid Avenue, CH 342
Cleveland, OH 44115

Campus Location
College of Health
2112 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216.802.3193
