Campus411 All-in-1 Enrollment Services

Contacting Collections & Hold Inquiries

Students with a Student Finance Hold (SFH) may contact the Bursar's Office (216/687-5249) to have their SFH removed. Typically, for the hold to be removed - your student account must be paid in full or enroll on a budget payment plan.

Collection holds are a different matter-- they can only be removed by the Collections office

If you have any of the following Collection holds:

SFE- Student Finance ECSI

SFI- Student Finance In-House Collections

SFN- Notice Warning Collections

SFW- Student Finance Write-Off Account

You must contact the Collections office at 216/687-5445.

If you have an?SFA- Student Finance Attorney General?hold. You must contact the Ohio Attorney General at 1-888-665-5440 to resolve your student account.

All finance holds will prevent registration adds, withhold any transcripts, and prevent the release of any diploma.